Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Look to the Sky...

Some people are keen on syncronised swimming, others on syncronised skating... but ask any Canadian and you will probably discover they prefer their syncronisation involving either horses or airplanes.  The former of these is via the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride, which I think every Canadian child has seen at least once in their lives, and the latter is via The Snowbirds - ditto - who have been dazzling crowds with their aerial displays for decades.

Driving home from work this evening, I was able to catch glimpses of the Snowbirds over Okanagan Lake where the Canadian Forces aeronauts were putting on a show for crowds of Kelownians. It's been two years since The Snowbirds visited the city, and today was one of only three performances booked in BC this year. Organised by The Rotary Club, the event also included a VIP banquet and fundraiser for a variety of local projects.

There's nothing quite as exhilarating as watching powerful jets performing intricate patterns in the sky. Somehow, one cannot help but be blown away at the training and skill that must go in to being able to accomplish such manoeuvres. Great fun. Distinctly Canadian.

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